Push Notifications for Web Browsers

How do you increase the site’s traffic? E-commerce businesses’ main goal is to keep engage their existed subscribers and get the new visitors. There are many ways to grow site’s traffic and customer engagement - by sending email notifications, SMS alerts, through social media and do web push notifications. Today, we are going to see... Continue Reading →

What is Angularjs service ?

AngularJS supports the concepts of "Separation of Concerns" using services architecture. Services are javascript functions and are responsible to do a specific tasks only. This makes them an individual entity which is maintainable and testable. Controllers, filters can call them as on requirement basis. Services are normally injected using dependency injection mechanism of AngularJS. AngularJS... Continue Reading →

What is TDD ?

Angular.js is one of the most widely-used web frameworks today. Part of what makes Angular so amazing is that it is a framework written from the ground up with testing in mind. Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into... Continue Reading →

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